Asia’s Fragile Heart
Rehman writes on the Heart of Asia Conference and Pakistan’s relationship with India and Afghanistan.
The Arc of Climate Justice
As one of the world’s smaller polluters, Pakistan is well within its rights in seeking resources and funds to cope with the impact of problems for which it is not responsible
Missing out on Climate Diplomacy
If Islamabad fails to push Pakistan’s case for what it deserves as one of the worst-hit victims of climate change, no one else will.
Pakistan’s UN bromide
The four-point formula is a good scramble at presenting the world with policy pro-activity from Pakistan. But a tone-deaf Delhi leaves little room for levelling up the non-existent peace track.
Knock Knock, Pakistan, Is Anyone Listening?
As the big global strategic picture shifts on its axis, Pakistan has opportunity knocking in two broad gradients, if not more.
Five Flashpoints for Strategic Planners
For a country navigating multiple internal and external challenges, Pakistan’s economic, governance and policy-delivery deficits have been a constraint on strategic resource-allocation and decision-making.
Shifting Gears in a Minefield
The bottom line is that Pakistan is facing an unconventional war with no exits, pretty much on its own.
Modi’s Greta Garbo moment – by Sherry Rehman
Modi’s Greta Garbo moment By Sherry Rehman There is no…
Winning Our Own War By Sherry Rehman
Winning Our Own War By Sherry Rehman 10 things to…
The Audacity of Hope by Sherry Rehman
The flight to New Delhi for Pakistan’s Prime Minister to…