ISLAMABAD, 24th October: “The PTI’s intentions to torture political prisoners who are not even convicted of any crime are becoming quite apparent. Former President Zardari is only a suspect but has been incarcerated in poor health for over 3 months for “interrogation” which does not seem to finish,” asserted the Vice-President of the PPP.
“Instead of worrying about it’s shocking record of depriving ailing suspects of fundamental health care, as per law, the Govt is now keen to pass an amendment in the NAB Ordinance which further removes all sparse facilities to political opponents by putting them in rigorous custody,” said PPP’s Parliamentary leader in Senate.
“Former PM Nawaz Sharif is in precarious health and also under interrogation. While their own ministers remain free of NAB custody or jail while under investigation, the screws are being turned on a number of opposition leaders by creating a new set of cruel and unusual instruments of victimisation and torture,” further added the former ambassador of Pakistan to the United States.
“If the PTI thinks it can do what it pleases with impunity while it rides roughshod over all democratic institutions and constitutional provisions, it has a poor reading of history, or the opposition arrayed against it,” further added the Senator. “The PPP has a long history of concerted resistance to all authoritarian regimes, and President Zardari himself has faced 11 years of incarceration without any conviction. It’s entire leadership and party cadre is mobilised now to oppose this regime without conceding ground,” concluded the parliamentary leader.